Season of 2020-2021

With the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools closed nationwide.

Our team pursued this opportunity to accommodate STEM eager children, and do a favor for the community by teaching STEM and FIRST related courses which covered mechanical and software engineering, and also public speaking. (after all, what good are engineering skills, if you cannot communicate your ideas?)

Over the summer, Fairy Tail recruited students that wanted to participate in FTC. This recruitment operation was so successful that the influx of students had to be redirected into the formation of two new teams, Team 18972 “Penguin Robotics” and Team 18905 “The Legends” whose legacy is now carried by Team 19670 “Turtle Robotics” after the former team disbanded in the 2021-2022 season.

In addition to teaching classes, Fairy Tail devoted a large portion of time to building relationships in the community to spark interest and education in the STEM field. In the past, we engaged with the community through participating in STEM nights, as well as meeting and greeting younger students at local schools.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, Fairy Tail hosted the aforementioned workshops online, in accordance to strict lockdown guidelines.