Season of 2021-2022

First Egg Roll Sale of the Season

In order to raise funds for our team, we held a bake sale and sold egg rolls to the community, raising over 200 dollars!

Vertias Collegiate Academy Outreach Activity

Over the preseason period, our team has worked with the Veritas Collegiate Academy, specifically their campus stationed in Vienna, Virginia, for the purpose of setting up their own robotics team.

Moreover, team members have been assisting other FTC teams also under the Academy of Excellence‘s management (i.e 18792 “Penguin Robotics,” 19670 “Turtle Robotics”), as a form of mentoring. This helped especially new teams that had no prior experience in FIRST robotics.

Java Workshop Class at AOE

This also includes running a two-day Java autonomous and teleoperation programming workshop, with students being given the opportunity to test and write their own code.